
Linea Recta

This generative algorithm explores the geometric theme of non-intersecting line segments. In short: no two lines in this design are allowed to cross each other. By incorporating various boundaries and shapes, constraining line angles, adjusting line density and applying several other techniques, a wide range of intricate compositions is produced.

The inability to truly connect can be interpreted as a metaphor for modern day life where we are flooded with digital means of communication but often struggle or fail to connect on a deeper, interpersonal level. This project thus reflects on the paradoxical nature of our increasingly interconnected yet isolated existence.

Using the keys numbered 1 to 4, you can export high-resolution files in sizes from A1 to A4 for printing at 300 dpi. Please be patient while the exports render. The success of the export may depend on your hardware configuration. If larger sizes fail to render, try exporting smaller sizes.






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